Governance 201 is the Momentum Centre’s half-day workshop on co-operative governance. Building on BCCA’s Governance 101 workshop, this workshop briefly examines the basic foundations of co-operative governance, and then discusses key strategies to live the co-operative principles as a director or manager of a co-op.

Please note: this event will be rescheduled in November.

Build a better co-op.

Co-operative governance is an essential part of your responsibility as the director or manager of a co-op, and a vital factor for guiding your organization towards its vision of success.

Governance 201 is the Momentum Centre’s half-day workshop on co-operative governance. Building on BCCA’s Governance 101 workshop, this workshop briefly examines the basic foundations of co-operative governance, and then discusses key strategies to live the co-operative principles as a director or manager of a co-op.

Plan for success.

You will receive coaching on key topics such as:

  • Board selection and succession: balancing the democratic nature of a co-op with a need to have a variety of experience and capabilities on your Board.
  • Orienting directors: the best methods in introducing new directors to your co-op’s board, from a staff and board perspective.
  • Evaluating performance: how to develop methods to measure your board’s performance in relation to both its goals and its governance responsibilities.
  • Communicating governance with members: co-operative governance means living the co-operative principles as you help guide an enterprise through success and challenges. We’ll talk about communicating that with members - and how to help members communicate with you.

Please note: This workshop is interactive. You will need to bring a copy of your co-op’s Rules for context, and be prepared to actively discuss the scenarios and situations.

Attend in-person in Vancouver.

This workshop will be held in-person in Vancouver at the BCCA offices. If you can't make it to the workshop in person, BCCA training sessions are available by webinar or teleconference. We'll make it happen. Just get in touch!

Registration information.

October 31st, 2014 1:00 PM   through   5:00 PM
212 - 1737 West 3rd Ave
Vancouver, BC V6J 1K7

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Phone: 6046623906
BCCA Members and current Emerging Co-ops $ 35.00
Non-members, potential co-ops, and Everyone Else $ 75.00

Help spread the word

Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our page: TO BE RESCHEDULED Governance 201 - Building Better Co-ops

You can also share the below link in an email or on your website.